Netting the Future of Fashion: Yuliia Buhlak's Fiskin - A Norwegian Voyage from Ocean Depths to Sustainable Heights

15 June 2024

In a world increasingly seeking eco-conscious choices, Yuliia Buhlak's Fiskin, stands out. Her venture redefines luxury accessories by innovatively utilizing fish leather, underscoring her commitment to sustainability and her profound connection to marine life.

Written by Camille Yambao


Yuliia, a Ukrainian native now residing in Gjøvik, traces her journey to founding Fiskin back to cherished memories of fishing adventures with her father, sparking a lifelong passion for the aquatic world. “I think I found myself in fish at all. I really loved fishing since I was small... for me, I fell in love with fishing because it was so fantastic,” reflects Yuliia. Her early connection to marine life led to a career at a fishing magazine, where her empathy for marine environments deepened. Further enriched by academic studies in aquaculture and fish biology, Yuliia’s path eventually culminated in the creation of Fiskin. Today, her brand stands at the forefront of sustainable fashion innovation, transforming how luxury accessories are made.

Embarking on the Fiskin journey, Yuliia encountered significant challenges, from navigating financial uncertainties to overcoming the hurdles of pioneering sustainable fashion. Her journey was characterized by remarkable resilience and a forward-thinking approach, driven by her belief in the transformative power of persistence and innovation. Yuliia asserts, “I know that it's not easy, so I'm aware, and if I do not succeed at some point, I know that it's just a matter of attempts,” encapsulating her philosophy towards overcoming obstacles.

I know that it’s not easy, so I’m aware, and if I do not succeed at some point, I know that it’s just a matter of attempts.
— Yuliia Buhlak

At the heart of Fiskin lies a commitment to sustainability that goes beyond mere trendiness. This dedication was further solidified through collaborative research with the Scottish Association for Marine Science, which unveiled the untapped potential of fish leather as an environmentally friendly alternative, thereby positioning Fiskin at the forefront of sustainable luxury.

As an immigrant entrepreneur in Norway, Yuliia highlights the country’s supportive business environment that champions innovation and diversity. The Norwegian entrepreneurial landscape, characterized by inclusivity and encouragement, has been a fertile ground for Fiskin’s growth.

Looking to the horizon, Yuliia is dedicated to advancing the sustainability agenda within the fashion industry. She is not only striving for Fiskin’s products to be fully biodegradable but also aims to redefine luxury fashion through environmental stewardship. Her vision extends beyond merely transforming fashion; it's about spearheading a movement that seamlessly integrates luxury with the utmost respect for our planet.

Yuliia Buhlak and Fiskin’s story is a clarion call to the industry, highlighting the potential of sustainable innovation to redefine luxury fashion. “It's important to not only chase goals but also to learn how to enjoy here and now... It makes a difference,” Yulia notes, sharing her approach to blending passion with purpose. As Fiskin continues to pave the way for sustainable fashion, its journey stands as a testament to the enduring impact of visionary leadership and environmental responsibility.

Yuliia Buhlak's journey with Fiskin serves as a clarion call to the fashion industry and beyond, advocating for a shift towards greater sustainability and innovation. As Fiskin advances, aiming to establish its presence on the global stage, Yuliia stands as a beacon of inspiration. She exemplifies how relentless passion and perseverance can redefine the boundaries of what's possible. Under her leadership, Fiskin is not just participating in the sustainable fashion movement; it's actively reshaping it, proving that ethical considerations and innovative practices can coexist with luxury and style.

To learn more about Fiskin, visit